Mark Staff Brandl ... an artist and art historian most well-known for his self-labeled "mongrel art": hybrids of installation and sequential paintings and drawings, which occasionally incorporate lectures as performances. Under the alias "Dr. Great Art" since 2016, he offers the public his inimitable performance-lectures concerning art history. An artist of the venticento, he was born mid novecento in 1955 near Chicago, where he lived for many years. He has lived primarily in Switzerland since 1988, where he became a citizen in 1995. He studied art, art history, aesthetics and literary theory at the University of Illinois, Illinois State University, Columbia Pac. University, and received his Ph.D. in Art History magna cum laude from the University of Zurich in 2011. He is Associate Professor of Art History Emeritus at the Art Academy of Liechtenstein and Higher Professional College for Art in St. Gallen, Switzerland. Brandl is active internationally as an artist since 1980, has won various awards, had many publications and had numerous exhibitions. vor allem für seine selbst ernannte "Mongrel Art" (Mischlingskunst) bekannt: Kreuzungen zwischen Installation und sequenzieller Malerei oder Zeichnungen, die mitunter sogar Vorträge als Performances beinhalten. Unter dem Alias Dr Great Art bietet er seit 2016 der Öffentlichkeit einzigartige Performance-Vorträge zu Themen der Kunststgeschichte an. Er kam 1955 in der Nähe von Chicago zur Welt und hat lange Zeit dort gelebt. Seit 1988 ist er in der Schweiz ansässig; 1995 eingebürgert worden ist; wohnt seit 20 Jahren in Trogen AR und ist Associate Professor / Dozent Emeritus an der Kunstschule Liechtenstein und der Höheren Fachschule St. Gallen. Seine Ausbildung in Kunst, Kunstgeschichte und Literaturtheorie machte er an der University of Illinois, Illinois State University, Columbia Pac University und wurde am 20. Mai 2011 magna cum laude an der Universität Zürich in der Geschichte der Kunst zum Doktor promoviert. Brandl ist international seit 1980 als Künstler tätig, hat verschiedene Auszeichnungen erhalten und ist mit zahlreichen Publikationen und Ausstellungen an die Öffentlichkeit getreten.
Solo Exhibitions (Selected)
Einzelausstellungen (Auswahl)

(For more extensive "Dr Great Art" series artworks see:


Kunstraum Engländerbau, Vaduz Liechtenstein, Dr Great Art Performance-Lecture, Materialität in der Kunst


Museum Herisau, Herisau, Switzerland Dr Great Art Performance-Lecture, Geschichte von Sammeln


Zeughaus Kunsthalle, Teufen,Switzerland Installation und Dr Great Art Performance-Lecture, Geschicht von Kunstsammeln


Verschiedene Orte, various locations, Switzerland Installationen mit Dr Great Art Performance-Lectures, (u.a. Kantonalschule Trogen, Kunstschule Liechtenstein, usw.)


2022, Schaan Liechtenstein
Screen Self-Portraits and Dr Great Art Geschichte von Schaufenster Kunst," Atelier62 Ursula Wolf


2020 - 2021   Kunsthalle Ziegelhütte Appenzell, Switzerland
"App 'N' Cell Now,"
curator Roland Scotti,
Dr Great Art Painting- Installation and Performance-Lectures;
Wall-Drawing collaborative addition to wall of photos by Gabriela Falkner.

Covid Lockdown Online Shows, various, "Riffing, Selfportraits"

2019   Hiltibold Installationsraum, St.Gallen,
Painting Installation

Villa Stvanice, Prag, Czech Republik, Performance-Lecture und Malerei
"Petr Brandl, Prague and Me"

2018   Central Booking Art Space, New York City, USA
    Lyceum Club, Historisches und Völkerkunde Museum St. Gallen

Weiterbildung AR, Trogen CH

    Wormfarm Institute ArtFarm, Wisc US
    Liechtensteinische Kunst Gesellschaft, L33, Buchs
    Liechtensteinischen Gymnasium

Engläderbau/Archiv-Atelier Nigg, Vaduz Liechtenstein

2017   Volkshochschule Rheintal, Heerbrugg
    SP Parteisitz, St. Gallen, Switzerland, "Politische Zeichnungen und Malerei"
    Institut für Sozialarbeit Fachhochschule St. Gallen

Remise Kunsthalle, Weinfelden, Switzerland, "Before

   Tomorrow" Nextex, St.Gallen,
Dr (Great) Art "Blitzkurs Kunstgeschichte des Selbstporträts


Jedlitschka Gallery, Zürich, "Painting Acted Artists"


Vadian, St. Gallen, "The 'Hood in miim Kopf"

2013   Jedlitschka Galery Zurich
    Hochschule Luzern, Switzerland
  Contemporary Art Center (Kunsthalle), Peoria US,
2009   Art Trogen Galerie, Trogen, Switzerland
2008   The Sharkpit, Chicago
2007   The Artist Project, Chicago Art Fair
2006   Projektraum exex, St. Gallen Schweiz / Switzerland
2005   Tony Wuethrich Gallery, Kabinett, Basel, Schweiz / Switzerland
    Dorfplatz Gallery, Mogelsberg, Schweiz / Switzerland
2004   Noser Art Projects, Montalcino, Siena, Italien / Italy
    Laura Martin-Transient Gallery, New York USA
    OZ Grünau Wittenbach, Schweiz / Switzerland
    Rabbar, Trogen, Schweiz / Switzerland
2003   Kunstraum Kreuzlingen, Thurgau Schweiz / Switzerland
2002   Noser Art Projects, Montalcino, Siena, Italien / Italy 
2001   Espace Lhomond, Paris, Frankreich / France

  Galleria Turchi, Montalcino, Sienna, Italien / Italy
    Gemeinde Galerie, Goldach, Schweiz / Switzerland
    Altes Zeughaus, Herisau, Switzerland
1999   Galerie W, Heiden, Switzerland

  Schloss (Castle) Wartensee, Rorschacherberg, Switz.
1997   Kunsthaus Richterswil, Richterswil, Zürich (Catalog)
1996   Galerie Kaj Forsblom, Zürich
1995   Goetz Galerie, Basel, Switzerland
1993   Brewers Bay Centre, Tortola British Virgin Islands
1992   University of Rochester New York «1981 - 1991»
1990   Ortsmuseum, Flawil, Switzerland (Cat.)
1988   ARC Gallery-Rawspace, Chicago USA (Cat.)
1987   Prairie Avenue Gallery, Chicago
1984   American Centers, Cairo & Alexandria Egypt
1986    Lill Street Art Center, Chicago
    Collaboration with Composer Kyle Gann
 Sweeney Among the Tribes, Installation and New Music
1982   ARC Gallery-Rawspace, Chicago (Cat.)
1981   llinois State University Gallery, Normal USA

Group Exhibitions (Selected)
Gruppenausstellungen (Auswahl)


Verschiedene Orte und Themen, Switzerland, Italien, Dr Great Art Painting-Installations und Performance-Lectures, incl. Zeughaus Teufen Kunsthalle, Kunstschule Liechtenstein, usw.


2020-2021   Kunsthalle Ziegelhütte Appenzell, Switzerland,
"App 'N' Cell Now,"
curator Roland Scotti,
Dr Great Art Painting- Installation and
Wall-Drawing collaborative addition to wall of photos by Gabriela Falkner.

Covid Lockdown Online Shows, various, "Riffing, Selfportraits"

2019   Kunstzimmer, Winterthur, curators Lucia Cavegn und Anita Bättig
2018    Transitorisches Museum Pfyn, Cultural Palace, Asyut, Egypt

Jedlitschka Gallery, Zürich, "Recent Work"


Jedlitschka Gallery Zürich, "In und Out,"
Collaborative Installation with Meszmer/Müller

Jedlitschka Gallery, Zurich, "Künstler der Galerie und ihre  Sparring-Partner"
Kunstraum Egg, Switzerland 50/50

Jedlitschka Gallery, Line-up ♯05


Kunsttage Lichtenstein, "Mona"

    Kunstraum OG9 Zürich, "957 _Composition"
TNC Gallery, New York City, "The Many Identities of the Struggling Cartoonist"
Tony Wuethrich Galerie, Basel, "20 Jahre"
Galerie Adrian Bleisch, Arbon, "Review AI AR"
 Kunstmuseum Thurgau, Ittingen Switzerland,  "Konstellation 6. Begriffe - Räume - Prozesse"
Studio Cloud 4, Bolgna, Italien, "Small Town Boy"
Galleria L'Arte, Molinella, Italien "Small Town Girl"
 Kunstraum Tieggi Kriens, "_957 _Composition"
dOCUMENTA 13, Critical Art Ensemble
 Central Booking / K-Salon, Berlin

Kunsthalle Wintherthur, Winterthur Schweiz, "WeAreTheArtists"

Cabaret Voltaire, Zürich, "Merz Welt"

Kunstmuseum Thurgau, Ittingen Switzerland "HR Fricker (Mail Art Room)"

Galerie Tartar, St.Gallen, "Bücher Kunst"

Galerie Macelleria d'Arte, "Bücher Kunst"
Apex Art Gallery, New York, "Don't Piss on Me and Tell Me it's Raining"

Central Booking Gallery, artist's book, New York
    CUNY James Gallery ,"Silent Pictures", New York
2009-10   Kunstmuseum St.Gallen, "Heimspiel"
2009   Belmar Art Lab Museum, Belmar, Denver, CO USA, "Out of Sequence"
    Museum Morsbroich, Leverkusen, Germany, "Moralische Fantasien"
    Und09, Oberuzwil
2008-9   Krannert Art Museum, Champaign USA, "Out of Sequence"
2008   Kunstmuseum Thurgau, Warth, Switzerland, "Moralische Fantasien"
2007   Sharkpit, Chicago, with Wesley Kimler
2006   Musée d art et d histoire, Neuchâtel, mit Steve Litsios
2005   Cafe Gallery, London UK
    Coleman Project Space, London UK
    Castelluco di Penza, Siena
    Kasko, Basel
    Kunstraum Kultur am Bahnhof, St. Gallen
2004   Kunstmuseum Olten, Olten Switzerland
    Kunst.Vorarlberg, Dornbirn, Österreich / Austria,
   "Die Grenzen meiner Sprache..."
    Kunstmuseum St. Gallen, "Heimspiel"
    Laura Martin-Transient Gallery,New York
2003   Laura Martin-Transient Gallery, Scope Art Fair, New York
    Laura Martin-Transient Gallery, Mi-Art Fair, Milan, Italy
    Sequenz Kurztrickfilmfestival, St. Gallen
   (Sequenz Short Animated Film Fest)
2002   Kunstmuseum Thurgau, Switzerland 
    Kulturhaus, Basel 
    Macelleria d'Arte, St.Gallen 
    Central Museum of Painters, Moscow Russia
    Verein für Original Graphik, Kultur am Bahnhof, St. Gallen
    Kulturschiene, Herrliberg Switzerland
2001   Kunstmuseum Thurgau, Switzerland 
    Kunsthaus Dieticon, Dieticon Zürich 
    Kunsthalle Baden-Baden, Germany 
    Central Art Museum for Painting, Moscow Russia 
2000   Kunstmuseum St.Gallen
    Galleria Turchi, Montalcino, Siena, Italy
    ProjectsUnited Gallery, Zurich Art Fair
    Castello di Camigliano, Camigliano, Siena, Italy
1999   Galerie Adrian Bleisch, Arbon Switzerland
    Galleria incontro, Zürich
    Schloss Brunnegg, Kreuzlingen Switzerland
    Kunst conTAKT 99, Waaghaus St.Gallen (Katalog)
    Züst/Kemp, Herisau
1998   Kunsthaus Richterswil, Zurich (Cat.)
    Nahbar, St. Gallen (Cat.)
    Kleines Kunsthaus, St. Gallen
    Marcus' Raum, St. Gallen
    Gewerbemuseum, Winterthur
    AnStadt, GSMBA, St. Gallen (Cat.)
1997   Kaj Forsblom, Helsinki Finland
1996   Kaj Forsblom, Zürich Switzerland
    Kant. Regierungsgebäude, St.Gallen
1995   KunstRaum, Romanshorn Switzerland (Cat.)
1994   St.Galerie Remake, St.Gallen
1988   Hyde Park Art Center, Chicago (Cat.) 
    University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee USA
    National Art Gallery, Managua Nicaragua 
1987   Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago 
1986   Robbin Lockett Gallery, Chicago 
    N.A.M.E. Gallery, Chicago 
1985   Museum of Contemporary Art, Bookstore, Chicago (Cat.)
    Randolph Street Gallery, Chicago
1984   Marianne Deson Gallery, Chicago
    MoMing Arts Center, Chicago 
    1840 Show, Chicago 
1982   Illinois State University Gallery, Normal
    «Eurasia» (J. Beuys Installation, made by Brandl
  at Beuys' behest/ gemacht von Brandl für Beuys)
1980   Kathryn Markel Gallery, New York 
1979 Los Angeles Institute of Contemporary Art, L.A. USA 

Publications by Brandl (Selected)
Publikationen (Auswahl)


ART, Bloomsbury Press, 2023, Aesthetics and Contemporary Art Series, Tiziana Andina and David Carrier editors,

— DR GREAT ART AND MONGREL ART, documentation book
      in sequential comic form. Dusk Publ.

— ART IN AMERICA, NY Contributing Editor
— SHARKFORUM, <>,  on-line e-zine, Co-Editor
— BAD AT SPORTS, <>, radio podcasting,
     Central European Correspondent
— BILE NOIR, Revue de Bande Dessinée, Summer 2004,
     Geneva, Switzerland.
— THE ART BOOK, London Swiss Correspondent, incl.
     "Issues: Re-reading Kandinsky,"
     "Herzog und de Meuron" and
     "Jonathan Lasker Gemälde/Paintings, Collected Essays".
    MEDIENWISSENSCHAFT, "The Expanded Text Concept and
     Central Metaphor in Painting and the Novel",
     (Buch/Book) Verlag Pestalozzianum 1999
UMAR IBN AL-FARID: Sufi Verse, Saintly Life, by Th. Emil Homerin,
     cover of book, 2001 Paulist Press.
— LEX BRAES: STILL Catalog Essay.
— JOHN SEERY Catalog Essay.
     Edition Fink 1997 (Buch/Book).
— NOISMA No.35, März 1997 , St. Gallen, «Bildsprünge»
     Publication Piece
— SAITEN, Juli 1998 Publication Piece mit/with Daniel Ammann,
     Sept. 1998 Interview with Dave Muller
— FÖN Nov/Dez., No.11 1994, St. Gallen, «Hermann Reinfrank-
     Künstlerportrait» mit Daniel Ammann; Mai/Juni, No. 38 1999,
     «Two Postmodernisms and a Post-Postmodernism»
— THE CARIBBEAN WRITER 1994, «Dusk, North Side of Tortola»
— ART CRITICISM Vol.8, No.2 1993 , New York, «Beyond 'Like'
     and 'As' in Images: Metonymy and Metaphor in Some Recent Art»
     with Daniel Ammann.
— THE JOURNAL OF AESTHETICS, US, Winter 1993 Book Review.
— ART/WRITE Summer 1988, Chicago, «What Representation
— IN THE DARK May-June 1988, Chicago, Catalogue Essay
— WHITEWALLS Summer 1986, Chicago, Publication Piece
— NEW ART EXAMINER Frequent Contributions 1979-1986

Artikel und Besprechungen über Brandl (Auswahl)
Articles and Reviews on Brandl (Selected)

—COVERING BRANDL, von Daniel Ammann, <> Buch, Magoria Verlag.
—See NEWEST PAGE here for various TV recent TV and newspaper

—BAD AT SPORTS radio podcast, 30. November, 2008;
   Interview with Brandl.
—TV PROGRAM, University of Illinois, Champaign
     November/December 2008
—SIDETRACK, WILL-AM Radio, Champaign Illinois, 2. November 2008
—MY ART SPACE, e-zine, 25 June, 2008; Interview with Brandl.
—DER TOSSTHALER 12. Juni 2006
—KUNST-BULLETIN Mai 2006, von Ursula Badrutt-Schoch.
—ART IN AMERICA June/July 2005, by Judith Trepp.
—TOXIC FM Radio, St. Gallen, 1 Juli 2004, Interview auf Deutsch
    mit Stefan Tobler.
—PAPERMAG, New York, 3 April 2003, “Scope Art Fair”, by Carol Lee.
—ARTNET Magazine, 10 March. 2003, “Weekend Update, Scope Art
   Fair”, by Walter Robinson.
—SEQUENZ Feb. 2003, “Here Comes the Impuritan”, von
   Daniel Ammann.
—APPENZELLER MAGAZIN Jan. 2003, “Eine gemalte Annäherungen”,
   von Ursula Badrutt-Schoch.
—SWISS NEWS December 2002.
—MALEREI? MALEREI!; Kunstmuseum Thurgau, 2001/2002.
—THE ART BOOK, London, March 2001, vol. 8, issue 2,
   painting as cover image
—ST. GALLER TAGBLATT 21 Nov. 1991/14 Juni 1990/2. Juli 1994/
   16 April 1997/ 5 Aug. 1998/ 11. Dez. 1998/ 24 Juni 2004, usw.
    "Comics, Cage und die Beatles" von Gerhard Mack, 30. Aug. 2000
    "Fast eine Liebesgeschichte" von Ursula Badrutt-Schoch, 18. Jan. 03
     "Netznixe trifft Wirbelwind" von Ursula Badrutt-Schoch, 9. MaI 2006
—CRITICAL REVIEW, internet, New York, July 1999.
—MARK STAFF BRANDL, Website: begun June 1999,
AKZENT 4. April 1999.
—SÜDKURIER 22. März 1999
    "Tradition kontrastiert mit dem Angebot der Massenkultur"
     von Alexia Sailer, 14 Jan. 2003.
—CASH 27 Feb. 1998.
—SAITEN Juli 1997/März 1998/ Mai 1998/ Aug. 1998/ Dez. 1998/
     Okt. 1999/ Juni 2001.
     "Panels, Covers, Viewers: ein Künstler Revolverheld"
     von Kaspar Surber, Jan. 2003.
—BASELER ZEITUNG 14. Juni 1995 von Stefy Plattner.
—DIE OSTSCHWEIZ 14. Juni 1990/22. April 1996.
—OSTSCHWEIZER AZ 23. Juni 1995.
—PEKIN TIMES US June 1995/ 28 April 1997/30 Jan. 1998.
—PEORIA JOURNAL STAR US June 1995, 8 May 1997, 22 Dec. 2002.
—BVI BEACON 10 June 1993
von/by Daniel Ammann; Dusk Verlag 1990

—DER VOLKSFREUND 12 Juni 1990 / 7 Juni 1990.
—CHICAGO TRIBUNE June 1988 / 9 Oct. 1987
—CHICAGO SUN-TIMES 19 Dec.1986 / 28 Feb. 1986
—NEW ART EXAMINER Aug. 88/Dec. 87/May 83/Dec. 82/
   Feb. 80/ Feb.79
—WFMT RADIO CHICAGO «Art and Artists» Harry Bouras 24 Oct. 1982
—THE COMPOSER Nr. 10/11 1980, New York.
—THE READER 20 Feb. 1986 / 27 May 1983 / 11 March 1982, Chicago.
—RAWSPACE 1981-1983, Chicago.

Prizes and Grants
Preise und Stipendien

2013   Kulturpreis, Trogen Switzerland
2010   Casa Zia Lina, Working Residency, Elba, Italy
2006   Pro Helvetia, Zurich
    College Art Association, NYC
2003   Kulturdirektion Appenzeller A.Rh.
2001   Appt. Court Painter to Count of Fyn, Denmark
1997   Werkzeitbeitrag der Stadt St.Gallen
1997   Stiftung für Ostschweizer Kunstschaffen, St.Gallen
1992   University of Rochester N.Y., Aus. Beitrag
1990   Genossenschaft Migros St.Gallen, Kat. Beitrag
1990   Kant. Amt für Kulturpflege, St.Gallen, Kat. Beitrag
1986   New Music Chicago (IAC, Chic. Coun. on Fine Art)
1984   American Center, USIA
1980   Friends of the Arts, Bloomington USA
1979   Friends of the Arts, Bloomington USA
1978   Atius-Sachem, Champaign USA
1978   Mary C. McLellan Scholarship, 2nd.
Sammlungen / Collections /
Kunst am Bau / Public Collections

  Museum of Modern Art New York
Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago
Whitney Museum of American Art New York
Victoria and Albert Museum, London
Graphische Sammlung E.T.H. Zürich
Kunstmuseum St. Gallen
Kunstmuseum Thurgau
Krannert Art Museum Champaign Illinois US
International Museum of Cartoon Art Boca Raton Florida, US
Lakeview Museum Peoria Illinois, US
Swiss Institute New York
Oberstufenzentrum Grünau, Wittenbach Switzerland
Gemeinde (City of) Goldach, Switzerland
Kanton (Canton of) Appenzell AR, Switzerland
SUVA St. Gallen
Stadt (City of) St. Gallen
Kanton (Canton of) St. Gallen
Gehörlosenzentrum Trogen
Joseph and Eva Beuys, Düsseldorf Germany
Dirksen Congressional Center, Pekin US
Barbara Jordan, Rochester NY US
S. Gulbenkian, Lisbon Portugal


1973 - 1978   University of Illinois
                      Champaign USA
                      Bachelor of Fine Arts (with Honors)

1978 - 1980    Illinois State University
                       Bloomington USA
                       Graduate Study in Art History

1990 - 92/94   Handels- und Dolmetscherschule
                       St.Gallen Switzerland
                       German (Certificate and Diploma)

1995 - 2000    Columbia Pac. University
                       Novato, California, USA
                       Master of Arts in Literature,
                       Art History and Theory

2005-2007     ISME / Universität Zürich
                      Latein Diplom

2002-2008     Universität Zürich
                      Zürich Switzerland
                      Doktorandenstudium in Literaturtheorie, Komparatistik
                      PhD Studies in Literature and Theory
Universität Zürich
                      „Dr. phil.“ (PhD)
                      Kunstgeschichte, Art History, „magna cum laude“
                      Doktorarbeit (Dissertation):
                      Metaphor(m): zur Theorie der Kernmetapher in der Kunst
                      Metaphor(m): Engaging a Theory of Central Trope in Art