Th. Emil Homerin
Brandl's favorite scholar; an expert on religion, poetry, mysticism, art and more.

Daniel Ammann
Brandl's favorite author; a novelist, theorist, media expert and general literary genius.  
He and Brandl frequently collaborate on art, literary, comic and intermedia projects.

Stephen Westfall
This New York artist doesn't have his own site, but he's a great painter and critic. His works appear in several places on the web including




Brandl  writes art criticism for the New York  magazine Art in America, which unfortunately has almost no web presence.
You can get recent Art in America articles, though, at this site.

Brandl also writes theoretical articles and more for London's The Art Book, which also has only limited web presence.

Brandl  also writes art theory for the Chicago-based on-line cultural blog-a-zine Sharkforum, which has become quite prominant on certain artworld horizons.
The direct link to the archive of Brandl's contributions is here:




Laura Martin - Transient NYC Gallery
Martin is a hot, young, knowledgeable curator and gallerist often using unique forms of exhibition. She has exhibited Brandl.
web site: Link (site under construction)


Klein Art Works showed excellent abstract painting and other works for many years --- one of the best galleries in Chicago. Owner Paul Klein recently closed the gallery, but has other projects going including the blog / review / etc. site listed here, The Art Letter and its related endeavour, the Chicago Art Project.
http://www.kleinart.com/index.html  (gallery archive site)
http://www.artletter.com/ (blog / discussion / reviews)
http://www.chicagoartproject.org/ (an exciting project for a new, experimental museum of Chicago art


Peter Noser in Montalchino, Siena Italy and Zurich, Switzerland represents Brandl in various capacities. He is an impressive artist as well as gallerist, curator, agent and art advisor.
Tel. Switzerland +41 (0)79 415 91 62
Tel. Italia +39 347 40 25 828
email art.noser@bluewin.ch
Noser is also the "Direttore" of the Art Center/Kunsthalle Castelluccio di Pienza near Siena.
website page link


Museums, Collections, etc.: Here is a list of links to public venues that have one or more of Brandl's works in their collections.
Museum of Modern Art, New York (http://www.moma.org/)
Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago (http://www.mcachicago.org/)
Whitney Museum of American Art, New York (http://whitney.org/)
Victoria and Albert Museum, London (http://www.vam.ac.uk/)
The Museum of Contemporary Art Los Angeles(http://www.moca-la.org/)
Kunstmuseum Thurgau, Switzerland (http://www.kunstmuseum.ch/)
Kunstmuseum Olten, Switzerland (http://www.kunstmuseum-olten.ch/)
Kunstmuseum St. Gallen, Switzerland (http://www.st.gallen.ch/kunstmuseum/)
Graphische Sammlung E.T.H. Zürich (http://www.gs.ethz.ch/)
Krannert Art Museum, Champaign Illinois, US (Link)
Lakeview Museum, Peoria Illinois, US (http://www.lakeview-museum.org/)
International Museum of Cartoon Art, US (http://www.cartoon.org/home.htm)
Swiss Institute New York (http://www.swissinstitute.net/)
Gemeinde (City of) Goldach, Switzerland (http://www.goldach.ch/)
Kanton (Canton of) Appenzell AR, Switzerland (http://www.ar.ch/)
SUVA St. Gallen (Link)
Stadt (City of) St. Gallen (http://www.stadt-st-gallen.ch/)
Kanton (Canton of) St. Gallen (http://www.sg.ch)
Dirksen Congressional Center, Pekin US (http://www.dirksencenter.org/)


Roellin / Duerr Gallery in St. Gallen, Switzerland is a new, impressive gallery of contemporary art with two knowledgeable owners, Christian Roellin and Bernhard Duerr.






Aesthetics On-Line is the site of the American Society for Aesthetics. Brandl loves to read their journal.

Hans-Georg Gadamer, one of Brandl's favorite philosophers is at
Joel Weinsheimer's explications and applications of Gadamer's Philosophical Hermeneutics are particularly exciting (Weinsheimer's other works are also important).

Literature, Cognition & the Brain, a good site to start surfing for Conceptual Metaphor. A big interest of Brandl's.

The Metaphor and Metonymy Group is for people interested in metaphor and metonymy (from a developmental, diachronic, cognitive, rhetorical etc. perspective), especially those interested in metonymy, until recently rather neglected compared with metaphor.

Another philosopher treasured by Brandl is the controversial Cornel West. Check out his thoughts, which he calls "prophetic pragmatism," at the two links below.

David Carrier is one of the most important and insightful contemporary philosophers of art and a stimulating art critic. He writes theoretically sophisticated yet highly readable works. A possible guide out of cynical postmodernism.




Kunstmuseum Thurgau's site has an ezine titled Andere Orte, where an interactive web artwork by Brandl can be found.
Since this the web art at this site seems to go into "disrepair" often, click here to see the interactive piece.


The Swiss visual fine artists' professional association (visarte) is at
 The chapter near Brandl is at http://www.visarteost.ch/


Hey Kids! Comics! Some of the best artists in Switzerland are in the society behind this site. The IG Comics Schweiz.
Other enjoyable artists in the same field are in a group called Sequenz at http://www.sequenz.net


"My great childhood artistic hero," says Brandl of Gene Colan. Go check out the site dedicated to this wonderful comic artist active from the 1940s until today, most famous for superheroes and horror in the 60s, but still a master, always developing further.


Wesley Kimler, one of Chicago's best artists, is a painter and vociferous commenter on art. He scares many people, but always tells the truth as he sees it. Quite refreshing. He recently organized an on-line blog-cum-art magazine titled Sharkforum: Opinion with Teeth. His "co-conspirator" there is the fnatastic designer, musician and artist David Roth. Brandl is the "foreign correspondent" for the forum. Go check it out.






James Swyers is a phenomenal composer, based in New York. He has composed music in a variety of settings for over two decades. Swyers’ works include compositions for modern dance troupes in San Francisco, soundtracks for film and video and several other collaborative efforts, namely as composer and keyboardist for the electronic chamber group The Janus Ensemble, and as composer and vocalist for the rock ensemble Shock Troupe. He created a  sound track for the Brandl installation Panels, Covers and Viewers at the Kunstraum Kreuzlingen.


The Handcuffs are one of the greatest bands in the US, starring the famous Brad Elvis --- the greatest RnR drummer since Keith Moon --- and Chloe F. Orwell, an amazing vocalist. They are one of the groups most admired by other musicians. Who they have gigged with is a Who's Who alone. Check em out. Destined for huge stardom. Put their music on your iPod an listen to it while looking at Brandl's art. Also, Brad's mom commissioned one of Brandl's first oil paintings, setting him on the road to his career. Tell Mark's mom that it is Brad's mom's fault.


Graham Elvis is a great rock musician, who spent his formative teenage years in the same place, time and mileau as Brandl. Go listen to the song downloads.


Beyond the Beat Generation. The greatest streaming rock music web-radio in existence on an enthralling site dedicated to the music formerly known as: Garage Rock music, Underground, 60's punk, Proto-Punk, Mod, Free-Form-Freak-out, , Psychedelia or Teen Beat. In their own words the site "archives and publishes the entire, long forgotten 'wild' musical gems out of the great years of the sixties (1965-1969) to a bright audience by using today's technology called 'Stream Radio'."
Go there, check it out, click on one of the 3 streaming radio formats screen left and listen to pre-corporate, pre-bland sounds.


Kyle Gann is a wonderful composer of "New Music" and an important and enjoyable music critic (The Village Voice, etc.). He and Brandl collaborated on an extensive installation-music work back in the 80s titled Sweeney Among the Tribes.




Cornelia Kunz Brandl. Supervisorin, Coaching, Organisationsentwicklung und Seminare. Web site of Brandl's beloved wife.

Almost no one knows that Brandl's reads this voraciously. The Jack Kirby Collector.

Michael Brandl is a cousin of the artist. He is an interesting Ph.D. of economics --- seemingly as eccentric in his field as Mark is in his. Check out his official professor page and his personal one.
Mike prof    http://bevo2.bus.utexas.edu/BrandlM/
Mike personal    http://bevo2.bus.utexas.edu/BrandlM/PerPg.htm

The Mark Staff Brandl Fan Club. Yes, there really is one. They bill themselves as inofficial, international and the first fan club for a contemporary fine artist. Strange but true.

CIVA, Christians in the Visual Arts. An interesting group of contemporary artists with a perhaps unexpected pursuit. They have a variety of members, some surprisingly good. Illustrious members include Lynn Aldrich and Tim Rollins K.O.S.


Idiocracy.us A political and social website opposed to George "Dubya" Bush and for human and environmental rights and for peace. It includes news, opinions and information.


Tony Mann is a very interesting writer on visual art, especially art and the internet, who also teaches mathematics, computing and multimedia courses at The University of Greenwich, London.

Charles Boetschi. An excellent and unique painter, a master of color. He has no website, but a review can be seen in the articles section of this website.

Boetschi review link

Charles recently and surprisingly died at the young age of 48. An obituray for him written by Brandl is here.


Mark Francis, an Irish painter living in London, who has no website, but paints amazingly well. A friend of Brandl's; has a few paintings at this site:
LIKEYOU.COM: The best and most important site serving as a guide to contemporary art culture in Switzerland. The platform also offers artists their own websites (for less money than usual) and includes connections to other areas of Europe and the world.

Stefan Rohner is a delightful and talented photographer with a witty, conceptual bent. He lives in Switzerland near Brandl.


Steve Litsios, an American artist living in the French-speaking part of Switzerland, whose work Brandl has reviewed, and whose paintings he enjoys, has an ever-changing website at

Lex Braes, a Scots artist living in New York and a stimulating painter for whom Brandl has written a catalog essay, has paintings at

Jeff Hoke is a great visual artist, and sometime collaborator with Brandl, who publishes The Guide to Lost Wonder, an emanation of his Museum of Lost Wonder. This is everything cultural critique should be and more: philosophical, humorous, artist's book, multiple, comic, etc. Often includes cut-and-paste do-it-yourself art objects.
check out this great article on his MOLA: San Francisco Weekly Hoke article

The SwissArt Net:A site collecting various links and information about the Swiss art scene . The links are unjuried.

Hermann Reinfrank is an amazing and quirky Swiss artist. One of the most unique artists anywhere. His art work is usually installations, and always has something to do with garbage and the color green. There are excerpts from a theoretical article on him by Brandl and Daniel Ammann (in German) at his site too.

Walt Parrish, a very unique collector has an entertaining site called The Cliff Guy. He has specially commisioned drawings by a vast number of important and famous comic artists, all "jamming" on a couple of ideas of Walt's. Although a "fine" artist, Brandl's art is also in the collection and pictured on-line. Go to the "cliffs" page, then on Brandl's name. But don't forget to go to the homepage and check out his other eccentric and fun art collections.


This website created by Feraz Zeid in collaboration with the artist.
All text, images and other material
© and ™ 2005 Mark Staff Brandl, world rights reserved.
This is a Dusk™ Production.


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