"Ausgefuellte Formulare / Filled-Out Forms"

A series of 131 works, paintings on bureaucratic forms
Eine Serie von 131 Bilder, gemalt auf bureaukratische Formularen

Worked on daily, roughly three days per piece.

(exhibited as installations several times in Europe / ausgestellt als Installationen ein paar Mal in Europa)





(Thumbnails below. For images with greater resolution go to this page and right click to images: link here.)



This began because when I got married, legally entered and stayed in Switzerland, I had a ton of forms to fill out from Switzerland and the US. I despise forms and am almost incapable of filling them out. A few were particularly insulting. For instance, upon entering Switzerland I had to write in my "gelernter Beruf," "studied profession," I said "artist." The border guard said that artist was not a profession! I think I then let the idiot switch it to art historian or illustrator or something. Another was a form I had to sign to give my wife permission to retain her family name! And similar things from the US. So, I just started to save copies of EVERY form that crossed my path for a year, from silly (like an advertisement) to the serious bureaucratic ones. I had almost 400 in one year! More than one a day. I painted on 131 of them. They are housed in a handmade linen box and were also exhibited a few times in museums and galleries. The individual works are pictured here. Right click and open to images to see them larger.



















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