an exhibition of paintings by Julia Kubik
View of the Collapsible Kunsthalle in the vitrines in the Art Academy of Liechtenstein
Views of the Collapsible Kunsthalle from above.
Paintings on the walls of the Kunsthalle.
Julia Kubik (1994) ist zur Zeit Studentin im Vorkurs der Kunstschule Liechtenstein.
Sie malt und fotografiert gern und hat Interesse am Theatre und Szenografie.
Die Gemälde in dieser Ausstellung sind Design Marker auf Karton oder Fotocollagen.
Julia Kubik (1994) is a student at the Art Acadmy of Liechtenstein.
She is a painter and photographer with interest in theatre and scenography.
The paintings in this exhibition are in design marker on museum board with the last having elements of collage as well.
Photo of the artist, Julia Kubik.