the Collapsible KUNSTHALLE   

Pas tout seul
the third exhibition

Musée d art et d histoire in Neuchâtel, Switzerland

View of entire installation, the Collapsible Kunsthalle is in the center.


Pas tout seul ("not alone") is an exhibition consisting of two installations in the Collapsible Kunsthalle: one by Steve Litsios and one by Mark Staff Brandl. Litsiois is an artist from both the US and Switzerland, living in the French-speaking part of the latter country in the town of La Chaux de Fonds. Brandl is the founder of the Collapsible Kunsthalle and an artist from both the US and Switzerland, where he lives in the German-speaking part in the village of Trogen. The artists were invited to exhibit together in the Musée d art et d histoire in Neuchâtel, Switzerland, wher they were given a beautiful, faceted round room. They decided to place the Collapsible Kunsthalle in a room.reflecting floor work, and create two new installations  for the Kunsthalle, placing it at the center of the room.


View of the interior (opened for photo).
Litsios: hanging paper in foreground; Brandl: wall paintings in left back corner.


Closeup view through Lisios installation.


Close-up of Lisios installation.


Close-up of Brandl painting installation.



 Detail of floor objects

Video of the Collapsible Kunsthalle with the two installations
leaving the Musée d' art.



From the Catalogue:

In his own words, the work of Mark Staff Brandl is something of a "mongrel" or "creole" combination of installation, painting and comics.

Having lived in the US and the Caribbean before coming to the German-speaking part of Switzerland, Brandl has personally experienced the promise of creolization as an idea — the coming together of diverse cultural traits to form new elements.

It can be said that Steve Litsios is also an offspring of creolization. American with Greek roots, he has lived a good part of his life in the French-speaking part of Switzerland and studied art on both continents. Although Litsios previously used traditional sculptural and painting techniques, he now employs emoticons as subject matter for his installations created using diverse collage processes.

"Iconsequentiality" is Brandl's neologism for the combination of forms of phenomenological perception in comics — and his art. Viewers perceive both the entire page or installation as an iconic unit and simultaneously follow the flow of images from panel to panel. Such a work is concurrently whole/part and openly multi-linear.

This way of seeing has also found form Litsios' work. In one recent installation, 500 sheets of paper containing short phrases, icons and drawings were hung high in two rows. The viewer, while moving through these sheets, followed a sequence dependent on the content and the order in which it was viewed.

The dialogue between these two artists and their combined art arises in a very spontaneous, natural process. Here, Litsios in his Paper Installation and Floor Bubbles questions our perception of large and small in relationship to location. Brandl's miniature Covers and Panel Corner installation muse on diverse existential conflicts.


The Collapsible Kunsthalle itself is a contemporary, non-collecting museum of art operating since 2003. Distinctively, it folds together, fitting into an attaché case.

Anna Busch, Zurich and New York










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